Thursday 29 August 2013

Assalamualaikum people...

TT_TT  memang xboleh jadi blogger la diriku ini...pemalas gile nak update...camne.. cerita dari bulan march sampai la ke bulan August aritu malas la nak shaa Allah, kalau rajin nanti kite upload photo je...


lagi 3 hari, me & D will be depart to Paris!!! one of my resolution would be accomplish soooon! in Shaa Allah..harap semua dipermudahkan..nanti kite cite pasal this Europe Tour...Europe lahh sangat padahal g few tempat je...secoek' je dr whole Europe tu.. :p

till next update..



Tuesday 26 February 2013

Assalamualaikum peoplesss~~

Last weekend, I went to a sewing course at Kolej Komuniti Kuching...and for the second day of course, they organize a kinda political event there..and few people around kuching area also invited..there  are some of them from Persatuan for that day, the organizer provide buffet lunch and there are minimal space for people to have their meal...i mean the space which have chair and table...lucky us (me & my friends) to have some space, but suddenly one of my friend said, "eh, pakcik ya kenak duduk sia"...translate "eh, kenapa pakcik tu duduk situ"...and the other friend of mine finished her food quickly and move to prayer room and let the pak cik to sit at her place..then....

my friend: kenak pak cik duduk dibah nun...?(kenapa pak cik duduk bawah tu)

pak cik: aihhh..sik hal bah...kamek salu jak makan dibah...tepi laut...ada angin...(eh...xpe...saya salu je makan duduk bawah, tepi laut, ada angin)

my friend: aihhh..ya tepi laut pak cik...nyaman...(eh, tu tepi laut pak cik...besssttt)

pak cik: sama jak bah~ (sama je lah)

me....nothing i can say...this kinda incident i cant found in peninsular...only in sarawak and sabah pity of them...Malaysia gonna be a developed country in 7 years time and there are still this kinda people...(mundur)..honestly, im so pity of them...its like Malaysia's treasure not reaching them...malaysia's development...but i bet they are become better from the program, i can hear that government giving them fund to built a boat and provide course to built a boat..slowly, they will evolute to something better...insyaAllah~

till the next update...

xoxo A <3 D

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Assalamualaikum people...

Ya Allah..its been awhile i xupdate this blog...sawang????ular pon boleh bt sarang...ok please stop with the exagrated thingy...
Btw is just 13th February of new year and i guess my life already screwed up with everything!!!

As u guys know, 1 of my resolution is i want to have my normal wight back since i gained 10 kg++ just after my wedding ceremony...ok it gained slowly la i started my diet program with herbalife milk shake & herbalife tea know what happen to me? few days lately i have bad headache (im not sure if there is something called nice headache)...and sometimes it makes me like want to throw out...(muntah2 la konon tp xmuntah) thinking is it because im pregnant seems my period is just screwed up like me..i do UPT but its negative...i dont know how to expressed it...whether "yayyyy!!" or "nayyy!!!" i became confused..whats wrong with me??!!! headache, nausea but not pregnant...i went to clinic nearby and the doctor said, "ummm, xde ape ni..saya bagi ubat saket kepala & loya" few words, check my heartbeat and blood pressure...there goes rm50 at least...(not sure the amount because unimas would gonna pay for it)...i took the medicine but this headache come and go then come again...then i go to another doctor suggested by hubby's  friend...and this doctor subscribed about my headache....saket mcm kene tekan kat atas kepala and macam kene ikat ngan tali sampai ke belakang kepala...and rase macam nak muntah...its stress headache. thats it..she checked my blood pressure if i had high blood pressure and its low actually...and hubby told her about my diet and herbalife they with one word suggest me to stop herbalife for awhile...hurmmm..ok..thats about my diet, and headache....and this doctor cost us rm0.00..

another thing is...about my period cycle...masha Allah...berterabur....and lost about 3 kg didnt help my body to regulate my hormon i decided to take some supplement...1 of my wifey friend suggest about the one that she took previously which is CCPP (cocoa collagen powder blablabla)...and another one is Shaklee i googled a bit about GLA and just now i go to watson and I saw Blackmores Evening Primrose Oil and it contain GLA too...and the price is much more cheaper than, i decided to ask one of my friend...i know she know well about supplement and she didnt have any relationship with Shaklee nor Herbalife...she just a plain user...hehehe..and i googled myself about Blackmores Evening Primrose i decided to try that...and hubby ok with thats it...i gonna buy it soon..and will update to you guys about the result...hopefully it can regulate my period without me gaining a lot of weight anymore...because its closedly related with hormone right...

pray for me people...sobs T_T

till next update,


Wednesday 2 January 2013



Hi Alls!!Happy New Year!!

So 2012 gave me a looottsssss of sweet memories..such as:

the most huge thing happen in my life which isss.... MARRIED!!! (gile xseronok dapat kawen)..well, who knows, i just know+met+lovy dovy+engaged with my Dr Daniel Ibrahim in 6months then we end up (its beginning actually) with marriage...within this 1 year of marriage, i gained a lot of weight..but my cooking skill is much more improve..(but of course still learning)..and of course we are happy with this marriage and always hope it will stay till our last breath..amin :)

the second huge thing happen is...

I manage to start my master get scholar from MYBRAIN15 & monthly allowance by ZAMALAH, i just need to struggle for my master cert without pay anything uollss~~ Alhamdulillah :)

then, many more thing come such as, me and hubby manage to get our new car together which is Toyota Prius..insyaAllah, we will owning our first home together..its under progression actually...still in process..

 too many things smpaikan xingat dah...

So, what is (are) my resolution(s) for this coming year...hurmmm..
     1. I want to finish my research analysis by this 2013 July...and start writing for my thesis

     2. I want to get my ideal weight by March 58kg...

     3. I want to preggy.. its not that im planning before, but im not doing any effort to get pregnant...but once      im done with my analysis..insyaAllah..take some supplemnt or maybe going for check up...& of course berusaha dengan lebih gigih..hihi :D

thats all...but yeah, we are planning to get open water diving license & go to italy this year...but im not considering them as resolution...hihi...

and yeahh!!i do have some photo to share..about our trip nearby only laaa~~see ya next update keyh??

till then XoXo!!

A <3 D

Sunday 23 December 2012

Cabaran BerDiet!

Assalamualaikum y'alls!

As people around me can see, i've gained a lot of weight since my first day of wedding..travelling makes me cant resist of all the when im home (my mum's house & my mum in law's house)...i cant stop eat!eat!eat! and eat! parents in law will 'tegur' if i cut my food quantity..*sigh* the result, i gained more or less 10kg from my previous!after about 1 year of starting all over again my diet program..but gosh!!!diet after married is super duper hard you know! allow me to list down all the dugaan,cabaran obstacles...

cabaran diet 1:

before married, when im on diet..i dont have to cook for anyone..i dont have to smell the cooking aroma..u know, even when tumis garlic the aroma will trigger your apetite..and, after married regardless of my diet type, i still need to cook for my hubby...difficult ok!

cabaran diet 2: 

my hubby hold his dad's principle which is 'family who eat together will stay together'.. as at the moment my little family is just me & hubby, so every time he want to eat (breakfast, lunch & dinner) he will wait for me, sit together, then only he eat.. then i just look at him, with telan2 air liur...garghh!for my lunch & dinner, I will replace my menu with herbalife milk, still ok with it..but sometimes mmg xtahan ooii! *sigh*

cabaran diet 3:

consequences of sitting together accompany my hubby eat with telan2 air liur..he will feel pity towards me...and he will end up feed me with the nasi & lauk..and that's not the end yet!!sometimes it will end up with he feed me more often and END UP i eat more than him...apakah???!! @.@ *sigh*

cabaran diet 4:

last but not i stated before, my parents & parents in law will bising if im diet..and mad at my hubby like if he doesn't feed me well..*sigh*

thats all not included my laziness to exercise, no accompany to jogging as unimas now is not a safe place anymore..many crime happen in unimas..sigh~sigh~sigh~

so guys..pls!pls!pls! pray for me so that i can success in my diet program :(


A <3 D

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Konsert & Artist


Hello everybuddyzzzz!!! (excited skeeettt.. :P)

This year which is 2012, UNIMAS celebrated its 20th anniversary..woohoo!UNIMAS growing as young teen mehh...hehe..So, UNIMAS have decided to collaborate with RTM which also celebrate their anniversay (50th i think) and organized The Titian Gemilang Orchestra Concert & Konsert Lagenda..few artist all the way from Peninsular had been brought to UNIMAS and take the responsible to entertain UNIMASians..ok..not only UNIMASians...local people around kuching and kota samarahan also had been invited as these are the free entrance concert..the only thing to do is go to UNIMAS counter (at bahagian pengajian prasiswazah UNIMAS i think) to collect the simple as for the Titian Gemilang Orchestra Concert, there have Tomok, Asmidar, Dayang Nurfaizah, Alyah and few more local artist..for this event, its a bit private and me & hubby got the special invitation as Unimas Staff..after the concert, there had buffet dinner and we got the opportunity to meet artist and have photo session with them..i got tomok and hubby got asmidar..hahaha..yeay!for the second concert, there are no more special invitation for UNIMAS dinner..& no more meet artist close up already..sobss! but we already enjoyed the concert la..with sporting & friendly artist...lets do it again UNIMAS!haha :D

Here, some of the pix for both concert...enjoy!hehe

till next update
A <3 D

Wednesday 12 December 2012



aaahhhh!!its kinda hectic day for me and hubby these few with my research..(im kinda behind da schedule!sobbbss!) & my hubby with his endlessly workload (pity him)..

today i just wanna share my daily life as a student & for today, i still consider myself as a young wife.why?because im still a student..student & young!hahaha..find the connection? :p

my daily life start from 6am++..every weekdays, i will prepare simple breakfast for hubby & i (cereal + fruits+ fresh milk)..and a cup of nescafe for hubby...having breakfast, packed 'bento' for lunch and go to lab..evening, coming home, rest a while then start cooking for dinner & tomorrow's 'bento'.. (bento is bekal in Japanese)..there goes my weekdays..

on weekend, usually saturday me & and hubby will enjoy the weekend by watching movies, swimming or else..but on sunday...we usually just stay at home doing house chores.. (lucky me having a helpful hubby), sunday is the day for us to go to fresh market, buy some fish, squid, shrimps etc..then i will prepare stuff like cili boh, blend all the onion & garlic to make my food preparation process is shorter and easier..hahaha

actually, i learn them from my mum in law..despite of her career, 'datin' title + association, 6 kids (all grown up already) she dont have maid and still cooked i make her as my inspiration as a student & wife..if im gonna follow my mum preparing food style..then im gonna be dead..end up, eat outside everyday..hahhaha..lucky me to have a housewife mum and career mum in i can learn different way and thing from both of them...

thats all for my daily life..hihi :p

till next entry..xoxo

A <3 D